Thursday, July 5, 2018

I Love Nature/Support Great Work

I Heart Nature/Support Great Work
These adorable gifts and apparel feature the discovery of a cricket which chews a hole in the center of a large leaf and uses the leaf as a parabolic reflector to amplify and focus its mating call in competition for a female. Please invest in discovery. Send $1, $5, $10, $20 or as much as you can afford every month to: Thank you.

Crickets crusading for Christ in the Bible Belt

Magnolia Tree Cardinal Cricket calling for a mate.
Photo © by Terry Lynch

Magnolia Tree Cardinal Cricket (Neoxabea bipanctata Da Geer 1773) is a sign from God of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, or so it might be imagined by folk in the Bible Belt where these tiny crickets congregate in mass upon Magnolia Trees bellowing their call upon hot summer nights. For details subscribe to Godswork

This holy clad two-spotted tree cricket uses Magnolia Tree leaves like parabolic reflectors to amplify and focus mating calls. Males beam their loud mating calls using parabolic leaf reflectors, congregating upon Magnolia Trees in mass, their calls synchronized; females hear the calls with ears in their legs also using the leaves like parabolic reflectors which intensify the mating calls.
This spectacular behavior was discovered when my Toyota van broke down along the roadside by a majestic Magnolia Tree. As night fell a loud thrill came from the tree. Curious to discover the source of the chattering, I climbed high into the canopy and discovered holy clad crickets and their remarkable behavior of using magnolia leaves as parabolic reflectors.

Please help share this and other great discoveries. Subscribe to I Love Nature. Send $36.00 to If you also want to help get my old Toyota van fixed, please contact John O' Neal Johnson Toyota in Meridian, MS, at (601) 485-1620 and say you want to help pay to get my Toyota tag# CFG357 back on the road. Thank you.